Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

A Guide to Lush Greenery

By Julianne Blackaby 23/11/2023


Creating a green and lively atmosphere in low-light areas can be challenging, but with the proper selection of plants, you can turn even the dimmest corners of your home into thriving green havens. Here, we introduce ten exceptional hanging plants that not only tolerate low light conditions but also add a touch of elegance to your indoor space.

1.  Syngonium 'Red Arrow'

Syngonium Red Arrow | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Syngonium Red Arrow, with its arrow-shaped leaves, is a visually striking plant. The foliage starts with shades of red and matures into deep green. It's known for its air-purifying qualities.

Low-Light Adaptation: Syngonium’s are adaptable and can thrive in low to moderate-light conditions. They are perfect for spaces where direct sunlight is scarce.

2.     Monstera adansonii 'Monkey Mask'

Monstera adansonii 'Monkey Mask' | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: The Monstera Adansonii, also known as the Monkey Mask, features unique, fenestrated leaves with oblong holes. Its trailing vines make it an ideal hanging plant.

Low-Light Adaptation: While preferring bright, indirect light, Monstera Adansonii can tolerate lower light conditions, making them suitable for hanging in shaded corners.

3.     Philodendron Heart Leaf 'Variegated'

Philodendron Heart Leaf 'Variegated' | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Recognised for its heart-shaped leaves, the Philodendron Heart Leaf is a classic choice for indoor greenery. Its trailing nature makes it a perfect candidate for hanging baskets.

Low-Light Adaptation: Philodendrons are known for their resilience in low-light environments, making them well-suited for hanging in areas with limited natural light.

4.     Tradescantia 'Quick Silver'

Tradescantia 'Quick Silver' | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Tradescantia Quick Silver is an eye-catching hanging plant with silvery-green foliage and a cascading growth pattern. It's known for its ease of care and rapid growth.

Low-Light Adaptation: Tradescantias thrive in low to moderate light conditions, making them an excellent choice for hanging baskets in spaces with subdued lighting.

5.     Hoya pubicalyx 'Royal Hawaiian'

Hoya pubicalyx 'Royal Hawaiian' | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Hoya Pubicalyx Royal Hawaiian is a stunning vining plant with dark green leaves and maroon undersides. Its fragrant flowers add an extra element of beauty.

Low-Light Adaptation: Hoyas are adaptable to low light, making them suitable for hanging in areas with limited natural light.

6.     String of Hearts or 'Ceropegia woodii'

String of Hearts | Best Low-Light Indoor Plants

Description: The String of Hearts, or Ceropegia woodii, is characterised by cascading vines adorned with small, heart-shaped leaves. Its delicate appearance adds a touch of charm.

Low-Light Adaptation: This plant is well-suited for low-light conditions, making it an excellent choice for hanging in areas with filtered or indirect light.

7.     Sedum morganianum, known as 'Donkey's Tail'

Donkey's Tail | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Sedum morganianum, known as Donkey's Tail, features trailing stems adorned with fleshy, bead-like leaves. Its unique appearance adds a distinctive touch to any space.

Low-Light Adaptation: Donkey's Tail can thrive in partial shade, making it an excellent choice for hanging in areas with limited natural light.

8.     Monstera Siltepecana, known as 'El Salvador' 

Monstera Siltepecana 'El Salvador' | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Monstera Siltepecana is a rare and sought-after variety with elongated, fenestrated leaves. Its unique leaf shape adds a touch of sophistication to your hanging garden.

Low-Light Adaptation: While it appreciates bright, indirect light, Monstera Siltepecana can tolerate lower light levels, making it suitable for shaded spaces.

9.    Scindapsus 'Silver Satin'

Scindapsus 'Silver Satin' | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Scindapsus Silver Satin features heart-shaped leaves with silver-grey variegation. Its trailing vines make it an ideal candidate for hanging planters.

Low-Light Adaptation: Scindapsus, also known as pothos, is known for its adaptability to low-light conditions, making it a perfect choice for areas with limited natural light.

10. Epipremnum aureum 'Shangri La'

Epipremnum 'Shangri La' | Best Low-Light Hanging Indoor Plants

Description: Epipremnum Shangrila, a variegated pothos variety, boasts heart-shaped leaves with green and creamy-white colours. Its versatility and low-maintenance nature make it a popular choice.

Low-Light Adaptation: Pothos varieties, including Shangrila, are known for thriving in low-light conditions, making them excellent options for hanging in spaces with subdued lighting.

Enhance the ambience of your low-light spaces with these ten resilient and visually appealing hanging plants. Their adaptability to lower light conditions and unique foliage make them perfect additions to any indoor garden. Remember to provide proper care, including occasional exposure to brighter light, to ensure the health and vibrancy of your hanging green companions.

Read the Next Article Best Low-Light Indoor Plants


November 23, 2023 — Julianne Blackaby

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