5 Things Harming Your Plants

Inconsistent Watering | Overwatering & Underwatering
Before watering, test the medium by poking your finger a few centimetres into medium. If it’s dry, it needs to be watered. Inconsistent watering; ‘water little and often’ can simply fill the air cavities in the medium, which not only denies the roots of vital oxygen, but also prevents water getting to the roots themselves. Many plants need to dry out a little before their next watering, and a big, slow, long drink or 'bottom watering' (a soak in your sink) - means water gets to the roots. Let the pot drain and stop dripping before sitting back in a cover pot.
Before watering, test the medium by poking your finger a few centimetres into medium. If it’s dry, it needs to be watered. Inconsistent watering; ‘water little and often’ can simply fill the air cavities in the medium, which not only denies the roots of vital oxygen, but also prevents water getting to the roots themselves. Many plants need to dry out a little before their next watering, and a big, slow, long drink or 'bottom watering' (a soak in your sink) - means water gets to the roots. Let the pot drain and stop dripping before sitting back in a cover pot.

Lighting | Too much or not enough?
Many indoor plants are understory plants from tropical or semi-tropical areas. While they like the warmth of indoors, they prefer indirect or dappled light. To work out how much light you have, hold your hand up against a leaf and see how much shadow it casts. The sharper the shadow, then the more light that it’s getting. Understanding the basics of what your plant needs and determining how much light you have in your room will help you find the right spot for your plant.

Repot time?
Suddenly, your flourishing plant look tired, droopy, and seem too big for its home. There are a few things to check: Does the medium feel solid from the top when you poke your finger into it? When you squeeze the edges of the nursery pot is it easy or hard? Look at the bottom of the nursery pot, do you see roots? This will help you know if it is time to repot. Select a pot the next size up from the previous. Don't go too much bigger or it might stunt the plants growth. Make sure your new pot has drainage holes and a saucer. Using a good aroid mix, carefully repot your plant. Water until the water runs out the draining holes and set aside until the water stops dripping before placing it on the saucer.

Dirt in the wrong places
Anything that covers leaves slows down photosynthesis, which is how plants convert sunlight into energy for them to thrive. Using a damp sponge or paper towel, wipe your leaves as part of your regular house-cleaning regime. Wash out sponges or use clean paper towels between plants so you don’t transfer dust and dirt from one plant to another. Or water and clean your plants by putting them under a cool shower.

The heat is on, then off
If your foliage is fading, leaves are wilting, drying, yellowing or browning on the edges, and your potting mix is always dry? It could be your heat pump. Move your plants out of the direct line of hot or cool air blasts. They’ll enjoy the ambience rather than a direct hit. Water as they need it and indirect light should give them a pleasant life.